Michigan State Police Receives LMT Rifles from the Spirit of Blue Foundation

Spirit of Blue presented the Michigan State Police with five tactical rifles valued at $12,955. Presenting the grant (left to right) were Mathew Pruitt, LMT Director of Sales & Marketing; Ryan T. Smith, Executive Director and Gary Blair, Board Chairman of Spirit of Blue. Receiving the grant (left to right) were Lt. David Sosinski, Emergency Support Team Leader and Col. Kriste Kibbey Etue, Director of the Michigan State Police.

Lansing, Michigan – December 21, 2018 – The Spirit of Blue Foundation announced that it has awarded an Equipment Safety Grant to the Michigan State Police (MSP) in the form of five tactical rifles valued at a combined $12,995.  The MSP Emergency Support Team received the rifles and they will use them to assist in the conduct of their duties across the state.  LMT Defense, the manufacturer of the rifles, generously donated the product, which they manufacture domestically in Milan, Illinois.  Also contributing to the grant also was Law Enforcement United who has supported Spirit of Blue’s efforts since 2016 and Eugene Adamczyk (MSP Inspector, ret.) who was instrumental in the execution of the grant.

“The Michigan State Police Emergency Support Team handles over 200 high-risk calls for service each year,” said MSP Director, Col. Kriste Kibbey Etue. “We sincerely appreciate the generosity of the Spirit of Blue Foundation, LMT Defense and Law Enforcement United. I assure you that your support of our team will have a significant impact across the state of Michigan.”

The donated LMT Defense CQB10-MARS-LA rifles feature a fully ambidextrous lower assembly, 10.5” barrel, railed hand guards, select-fire trigger group and other enhancements making it specifically suited for the Emergency Support Team’s use.  LMT Defense was founded in 1980 to provide the US military, law enforcement and government agencies with precision engineered, high quality weapons.  Since that time LMT Defense has gone on to distribute its product to militaries, national police agencies and VIP protection details in 43 nations around the world.

“We are very happy to see these amazing tools go to such a very professional and deserving agency,” stated Ryan T. Smith, Executive Director of the Spirit of Blue Foundation. “From the command staff all the way down to the most junior member of the Emergency Support Team, it is clear that the people of Michigan are served incredibly well.  And now this team will have will have an extra measure of capability to employ if and when it is necessary.” 

Statistics maintained by the Officer Down Memorial Page show that 145 law enforcement officers lost their lives so far in 2018 – a 6% increase over the previous year.  50 of those deaths were firearm related, a 12% increase over 2017.  The reality of these statistics, and the increasing number of underfunded law enforcement agencies across the country, fuel the Spirit of Blue safety grant initiative.

The Spirit of Blue Foundation actively encourages the public at large to honor and appreciate law enforcement officers who serve and protect our communities. By supporting the Spirit of Blue Foundation, the public can make an impact in the lives of law enforcement officers every day. To learn more about the Spirit of Blue, or make a donation, visit www.spiritofblue.org.

The Michigan State Police Emergency Support Team received five LMT Defense CQB10-MARS-LA rifles.

The LMT Defense CQB10-MARS-LA rifle features a fully ambidextrous lower receiver, 10.5″ barrel, select-fire trigger group, rubberized Ergo grip, SOPMOD stock and other features that make it specifically suited for the role of the Emergency Support Team.