Officer Safety Wristband


SKU: SOBF-007 Category:


This durable, silicone wristband reminds all who wear it to keep Officer Safety in mind – whether on the job or in support of officers everywhere. Band is navy blue with “Officer Safety” debossed in the surface between a badge and a star on either side.
Wristband Sizes:

Small – 6 6/8”

Medium – 7 3/8”

Large – 8 3/8”

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We are dedicated to the enhancement of officer safety and vitality throughout the law enforcement community by promoting public awareness for their protection and fulfilling safety equipment and training needs.

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Over 900,000 law enforcement officers honorably serve the population of the United States - that equates to 1 officer for every 350 citizens. On average, 125 officers are lost and another 15,000 are injured in the line of duty each year. Yet funding for safety equipment and training is dwindling as tax revenues decline. The need for supplemental funding to protect these officers has never been greater.

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